Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Journey of a Cello Duet (by William)

What a success!  Our school had our music concert last Thursday.  Many parents were there to watch us perform.  At the end, Ms. Talbott, our music teacher announced that there was a special treat.  She introduced that Seoyoon and I were going to play a duet.  I took a deep breath and nodded at Seoyoon, then we started to play the cello.  Once we finished playing, the audience roared and we took a blow.  I felt very relieved that our duet went smoothly. 

During the preparation of the duet, I slid up and down on my mood ladder.  Sometimes I was disappointed and sometimes I was optimistic.  The duet “Springtime” was a very interesting piece to play.  When I first learned about this intriguing song, I was thrilled to play it for the concert.  My trusty partner Seoyoon, told me that we would have to practice a lot with emotion to make the duet perfect. 

The problem was, I didn’t practice.  And so… when Mrs. Talbott asked me if I practiced, I honestly replied that I didn’t.  She said if I were not to practice, she would cut the duet off the concert.  I felt very anxious and disappointed because I was hoping to play the song with Seoyoon, and worst of all, I let Seoyoon down.  I panicked and once I got home, I immediately pounced on my cello and began furiously playing Springtime.  I told mom and dad about my worries that night.  They encouraged me to carry on and suggested ways to improve. 

As always, the hard work pays off.  I practiced every single day after Ms. Talbott’s warning.  To top all of that work off, I even went to Seoyoon’s house to practice with her.  Her mom is a piano teacher and she gave us very helpful tips.  I benefitted double from visiting her house twice.  I also spent all my allowance to pay my piano teacher so she coached me on playing this cello piece.  From those days on, I was flooded with hope.  As I expected, Mrs. Talbott was happy and decided to put Springtime back on the concert last Monday.  This made both Seoyoon and I cheer.  Our goals were reached with hard work.

I was pretty nervous on the day of the concert.  We had three assemblies, Gaelic, Kabuki Dance, and Rockin’ Strings.  After those pieces, we were ready for Springtime.  Through the journey of this cello duet, I learned many lessons.  Seoyoon is a true friend.  When I dragged her down, she never complained, instead she helped to find a solution.  With her encouragement, we both took the performance seriously and we succeeded.  I also learned when there is a challenge, faced it bravely and try to solve the problem.  Lastly, be persistent and don’t give up easily, impossible may turn into possible.