Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rio 3: Blu’s Trip around the World - Part 2 (by William)

Just two days after Blu’s family settled in Los Angeles, California, a young boy named William walked out his door.  He was a tall and smart eight years old boy.  He had brownish eyes and blackish brownish hair. 

William loved birds, so he took them in for a snack.  After that, they went to the park to take a little stroll.  Then William remembered that his mom told him to go to Trader Joe’s to buy five lemons so he led them to Trader Joe’s.  William told Blu and his family to wait outside while he shopped for the lemons. 

Just then, the meanest kid in town darted into view.  He was only eight but had a heart made out of coal.  When he saw the birds, he chased them while William was buying lemons.  When William saw the mean kid chasing Blue and his family, he yelled at the mean kid, “No, No!”  Blu took his family to fly away to Norman, Oklahoma.

Perched on Ethan’s roof, they could see the city skyline and they were safe…just for now!

Brian Defeats the Nazis (by William)

Once upon a time, a baby named Brian was born in France.  He had ocean blue eyes and light skin.  He was ten feet tall when he was a baby.  When he was five years old, he could cut down twenty pine or spruce trees, or thirty maple trees with one mighty swing with his ax.  Even if he was tall and strong, he was very generous and sweet.  He even cooked for his parents.

Eleven days after he turned seventeen, German soldiers marched into Brian’s town to rob the resources and slave the people.  If the French people did not obey the rules, they would be jailed by the soldiers.

The townspeople were really mad at the soldiers.  Soon, one of the villagers had an idea.  They would call Brian to cut down trees to squash German soldiers.  

After Brian heard the news, he immediately jumped out of the window to find the Nazis and cut down trees.  He thought to himself, “I can do this.”  The trees flattened German soldiers.  The German soldiers screamed, “Halt!” but Brian would not stop swinging his ax cutting every tree in the German soldiers’ path.  The Nazis ran away because they thought the giant was a tree monster and they were scared.

Very soon the Germans surrendered and the townspeople cheered for the liberation of France.  “Yes!” hollered Brain and the town shook with joy.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Rio 3: Blu’s Trip around the World - Part 1 (by William)

One sunny day in the Amazon Rain Forest, Blu decided to take the family to Minnesota to visit the bookstore he grew up in.  They said goodbye to the forest and then left. 

They gave the kids a lift.  Blu and Jewel flew through the night.  The next day, Blu woke up his kids early, “kids, you don’t want to miss this!”  “Miss what?” asked Carla, Bia, and Tiago altogether.  “It’s the Panama Canal,” shouted Blu and Jewel.

Two more days passed, and Blu’s family finally got to Minnesota at 7:10 a.m.  Suddenly, a hungry group of falcons swooped down.  “Let’s have some fun with them,” said Jewel, and with that, the birds threw Brazil nuts and passion fruits at the falcons.  Blu and his family worked together to defeat the falcons.  But there was one more falcon, and he forced the family to go to California.  Now they were perched in a tree in Los Angeles.  They were safe…just for now!