Sunday, June 13, 2021

Should Baby Editing be Allowed? (by William)

In the internet era where people already abuse the World Wide Web, it is hard to say whether or not we humans will abuse future technologies. As an esteemed comedian, Carrie Snow once muttered, “Technology…is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.” The same goes for designer babies. This novel technology is widely debated by the scientific community. The question is: Where should the line be drawn? Babies should be engineered if the purpose is to help avoid misery and save lives. But if designing babies turns into a way for modifying smarts, looks, and athleticism, then the usage of this technology may make a turn for the worse.

Designing babies could potentially alter every life into a healthy one., cure people of genetic diseases before they are even born, and further scientists’ understanding of the human genome. According to Medical News, “Through genetic manipulation…lifespans could, in fact, be doubled, and offspring would also enjoy better health…” (Zoppi 4). Not only would the average lifespan be improved, but the global citizens would also be able to lead more healthy and active lives. Suicide rates may drop due to the happier nature of the people, and the risk of cancer would most certainly be decreased. For the global population to become happier, one step that baby designing has taken is lowering risks of genetic diseases and disorders, “With genetic diseases and disorders, “With…technique…CFTR-gene can be defected and repaired…” (Science Daily, 3). Ever since CRISPR-CAS9 started being used in 2012, an array of gene-linked diseases have been cured including the life-threatening sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and cancer. Since we have ample technology, children could avoid suffering from such disorders. Simply, babies could be cured before being born.

Lastly, designing babies and editing genes would help scientists understand the human genome better. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, “By changing a single gene…observe how these changes affect…human health” (NIH 4). By editing human genes, doctors and scientists can gain experience and knowledge on how to treat such diseases. In conclusion, gene editing for babies should be allowed as a treatment for gene-linked diseases, and as a way for scientists to better understand genes.

However, every coin has two faces. Designer babies should be allowed, but with some limitations. It is essential to sometimes question whether the future should be placed in the hands of the “genetically valid.” In the 1997 film, Gattaca, society is made up of “genetically valid” and “genetically invalid” people. The “valids” get high-earning jobs because they have favorable characteristics. Meanwhile, “invalids” do not “qualify” for the same roles as the “valids.”

If the Homo sapiens go too far with baby editing, the future world may end up as if the Nazis had taken over. “Desirable,” would be a direct reference to Hitler’s blonde, blue-eyed Aryans.

All in all, designer babies are a controversial new technology. While there are some concerns from the science community, gene-editing could change the world as we know it in a positive way if there are regulations put in place.

History’s Chronicles: The Mukden Incident Part 1 (by William)

September 18, 1931

Bao was running like he never had before. Flashes of red and yellow illuminated the hazy sky, as the deafening roars of artillery propelled his legs to pump faster. If he could just make it to that Manchurian meadow…

One day before...September 17, 1931

Cocka-doodle-do! The warbling rooster’s cry resounded into the early morning air. On the Li Family Farm, 15-year-old Bao stirred. The sun peeked out behind the clouds, shining its warm rays onto the earth below. A wide expanse of yellow-green greeted Bao as he stepped out the door. Tomorrow would be harvest day, and his family would enjoy a big meal of eggs, sorghum, and beans. It would be the most we ate in a long time. Even Da Huang, the family dog, would snack on a share. Breathing in the fresh Manchurian air, Bao wondered about class with Mr. Wei.

“Oh, no, I’m going to be late!” Bao suddenly hollered. He opened the farm gate, dashing as fast as he could. “Bye ma! Bye ba!” He dictated, guiding himself down the familiar path

“Bye, Bao! Come back early!” Called a groggy Mrs. Li.

 The 5-mile-path south to Mr. Wei’s home in a nearby village seemed endless. Mr. Wei was the local history teacher. Bao always wondered how Korea was annexed by Japan, as the Yalu River wasn’t too far from his own home in Liaodong. Mr. Wei, the local village teacher, always refused to answer the question.

“The history behind that is too painful.” Mr. Wei replied.

Bao ran on the dirt path in his dusty flats, past great plots of farmland and gentle rolling hills. Fields had yellowed with harvest season, and trees hung heavy with juicy fruit.

He skidded to a halt in front of his teacher’s home. To his dismay, Mr. Wei didn’t seem to be present.

“Come in, come in!” Commanded Mrs. Wei.

“Mr. Wei will be back in just in a minute. In the meantime, please be seated. Would you like some tea, Bao?” Mrs. Wei’s murmuring almost sounded like a works to a lullaby.

“Yes, please.” Bao responded. He was feeling exhausted after his 5-mile run to the Wei family home anyways. Mrs. Wei brought out the simmering liquid from the wooden kitchen. Bao took the cup gratefully. Upon taking a sip of the drink, his taste buds burst with enjoyment. The tea quickly traveled en route to his stomach, warming his insides against the cool Manchurian morning. Bao had almost forgotten his love for green tea.

As Bao emptied the tea cup, he saw Mr. Wei appear in the doorway.

“Ah, Bao, sorry for arriving so tardy. I was conducting business earlier today in Dalian.” Mr. Wei began apologetically.

“Dalian?! That’s 45 kilometers south of here!” Bao chortled.

“Yes, dear pupil. Let’s get to our lesson now. We will be studying a classic, The Creation of the Gods…


3 hours later…

“So, dear disciple, you now know how Danji charmed her way into King Zhou’s court,” babbled Mr. Wei.

“Yes, I do, teacher. I will see you tomorrow at noon.” Bao thankfully turned to leave.

“Bao, stay for a moment,” Mr. Wei muttered.

“Yes, teacher?” Bao inquired.

“I have a serious matter to discuss with you.”

Fearing the worst, Bao wheeled around to face his teacher, only to see that Mr. Wei’s expression was hard, hard as a stone.

“Please do,” Bao replied uncertainly.

Mr. Wei sighed and muttered, “Bao, you are one of my brightest students. I want you, and I understand if you refuse, but would you join me on an espionage mission?”

Bao’s palms started sweating, “W-what mission, teacher?”

Mr. Wei sighed yet again and began whispering, “You know the business I was doing early today in Dalian? Well, I met up with an organization called the Sons of the Dragon. I heard from my Korean friend, Hwang Beom-Yeo, that a few battalions of the Japanese Kwantung Army in Korea mysteriously crossed the Yalu River last night.”

Mr. Wei lowered his voice, anxiously scanning the hilly Manchurian grassland. His voice was so quiet, one could hear the rustling of the nearby meadow. “The Sons of the Dragon is a resistance group against crime and Japanese rule. I am in it – so is my wife. We are a group of Chinese and Korean resistance fighters. Yesterday, our movement captured a few Japanese Nakajima fighter-bombers. If you agree to join, we will take off from a local Sons-of-the-Dragon-controlled airfield early tonight, and land in Baoshanzhen to observe the Kwantung army. The flight will take a little more than an hour. Are you in?”

Bao thought about the Kwantung Army. But then he recalled his family and his beautiful homeland. Turning to Mr. Wei, Bao dictated resolutely, “Yes, I’m in.”

“Perfect, meet me here at sunset tonight,” Replied Mr. Wei, smiling. As Bao ran home. He thought whether he should tell his parents about his little adventure-to-be.

“No, I shall not. For they will worry about me.” The words burst succinctly out of his larynx. No. He would meet Mr. Wei at sunset.

Ode to Failure (by William)

In one life,
there is always some strife.
We call it failure,
to which happiness and determination is the best cure.
As you see,
failure can be a key.

Failure can make you frown,
when it propels you down.
Don’t worry,
Just hurry –
to go and right your wrong.

When failing, get back up -
don’t settle as the runner-up.
You can fly high and far,
or buy a little cot.
So, why not?
You’ll be taking the lead,
and you’ll be content (that’s all you need).

Life is full of Gumps,
and un-Gumping yourself takes time and isn’t fun.
You see,
failure is a key.

If from mistakes you never learn,
you’ll forever be stuck like a genie in an urn.

But will you succeed?
From Dr. Seuss, “98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.”

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Teacher Comparison: The Good and the Bad (by William)

    South Shores Academy is a fantastic high school. Indeed, many students who have graduated from South Shores have gone on to successful careers. Despite the outstanding faculty, there is one teacher who brings shame to the profession – the botany instructor. This botany course is the whole reason why South Shores Academy is rated 4.9 stars out of 5. Reader, please do not enroll in Mr. Snodgrass’ course. However, there are teachers at South Shores Academy. Mrs. Marvelous teaches the pediatrics class, and like herself, her class is marvelous. What makes these two teachers so different? The main factors are their personalities, subject mastery, and control over their classrooms.

    Mr. Snodgrass is an utterly horrible teacher. Students and staff are baffled why he even teaches at South Shores Academy, ruining the magnet school’s reputation. He has a questionable personality, one that many deem unsuitable for teaching. Mr. Snodgrass is a lazy man, and doesn’t bother to grade student work: favored students receive “As”, everybody else – “Fs.” He hates the hard-working students because they expect teachers to teach! This lazy instructor favors only the high schoolers who kiss up to him. Many parents have emailed him about student grades, but he simply ignores their questions and concerns. Mr. Snodgrass is also extremely pessimistic. In a staff meeting, he expressed his completely bleak views of the academy and stood up to leave, leaving a shocked and disgusted union behind him. To add onto his indolence and internal misery, Mr. Snodgrass is racially biased. He scolded some Pacific Islander students during a lab exercise, assuming that they were supposed to be “good at math.” Mr. Snodgrass’ horrible personality renders him an unlikeable classroom failure.

    When it comes to his understanding of the subject, Mr. Snodgrass is nowhere near being a real botanist. He bumbles to class everyday on loose limbs and barely knows what he’s talking about. Explaining concepts clearly – a basic requirement of teaching is almost alien to the horrible teacher. One time when scolding a student, he said, “You can always get to the level of discipline when you never dance with three-headed squirrel monkeys!” After yelling this outlandish comment, he promptly went back to teaching the vague lesson, leaving everybody exceptionally puzzled. It is to no wonder why many graduates from his course say they didn’t learn a thing. Mr. Snodgrass shows little understanding of botany. He picked some Oregon Grape Vine and brought it to his classroom for his students to study. Promptly two hours later, an ambulance departed from South Shores Academy. The ambulance, headed to South Shore Hospital, carried five people poisoned by Poison Oak. Because of Mr. Snodgrass’ amateurism in botany, he put his students’ health at risk. Mr. Snodgrass fails to make his lessons relevant to life, which helps students realize the importance of acquired concepts. He thinks that lesson relevance has no good purpose, so Snodgrass simply doesn’t tie what students learn to real life. One of the most important traits to have as a good teacher is a sense of humor, but Mr. Snodgrass is about as funny as a rock. This may be why Chase Snodgrass has no friends among the faculty. He doesn’t like jokes, and certainly hates using funny literary devices in teaching. In summary, Mr. Snodgrass doesn’t have any mastery over his subject, and doesn’t care whether the students are learning valuable information from botany class.

    What may set Mr. Snodgrass aside from good teachers the most is his control over his classroom. Good teachers may be strict but kind in a classroom setting. Instead, he rules over his class in an authoritarian way, and is not at all kind to his students. On the first day of botany class, he made two students cry. On the second day, he made five people cry, and sent another to the principal’s office for not crying. One may clearly see why eight people transferred to Mr. Darwin’s ecology class on the third day of botany. Mr. Snodgrass is short-tempered and provoked easily. The students literally see steam blowing out of his ears as his face turns into a ripe apple. Mr. Snodgrass is not only authoritarianist, disrespectful, and hot-headed, he is also insensitive. When some of his students were poisoned by Poison Oak, he demanded that they stay in class instead of asking for immediate medical attention. Only when the students’ skin started swelling did he really note what he had done. To top all of this off, there have been rumors saying that Mr. Snodgrass didn’t really want to teach in the first place. He is currently 40 years old and was strongly advised to take the education path. He never wanted to teach but did anyways. In conclusion, Mr. Snodgrass is a horrible teacher with a miserable personality, little mastery over his subject, deteriorating control of his classroom, and no love for teaching high schoolers.

    On the other side of the life sciences building lies a heavenly classroom, headed by no other than Mrs. Marvelous. Mrs. Marvelous teaches the pediatrics course at South Shores Academy, and her class is, well…rather marvelous! She and Mr. Snodgrass are so different that one could have never imagined that they teach at the same school. She inspires her young pediatricians with her wondrous personality, mastery over her subject, and her amazing control of the classroom.

    Mrs. Marvelous is the best teacher in South Shores Academy. All the students and faculty are privileged to have her as a friend and guide. In opposition to Mr. Snodgrass’ questionable personality, Mrs. Marvelous’ personality is just brilliant. She is hard working and critically grades student work so that her students have a thorough understanding of the concepts which she is teaching. Unlike Mr. Snodgrass, she doesn’t play favoritism – plus, her least favorite people are the students who try to lick her boots. If a student isn’t happy about the grades, Mrs. Marvelous always invites him/her to discuss what could have been done better. The student learns how to improve and then implements the changes in his/her study habits. Mrs. Marvelous has an optimistic approach to every problem. At the same staff meeting where Mr. Snodgrass had shared his bleak opinions and stormed off, she had remarked on the tremendous improvements that South Shores Academy was making. Mrs. Marvelous has a different philosophy to tolerance. She believes that everybody has strengths and weaknesses, no matter their ethnicity, gender, or religious beliefs. She brings out student strengths and helps her young learners nourish their weak spots. Mrs. Marvelous doesn’t send people to the Principal because of their race – rather, she sends racist people to the Principal. She recently sent a kid to the principal’s office for teasing an Islamic classmate who fasted during lunch. Mrs. Marvelous’ reasonable and kind personality makes her popular among students, parents, and fellow teachers.

    Possessing a 15-year-long experience as a pediatrician, Mrs. Marvelous has the sufficient expertise in order to teach the course at South Shores. She bolts into her classroom every day, ready to begin a new day of learning with her students. Unlike her floundering counterpart, she truly feels ready for each new day at school. Her long years of experience as an outstanding physician enables her to convey complex topics to students in a clear manner. Many of her graduates come back to South Shores Academy to thank her and visit, while none of Mr. Snodgrass’ students ever stop by (not like Chase Snodgrass cares anyway). Mrs. Marvelous always has up-to-date materials and engaging labs. She has never ever mixed anything up, since she is not an amateur in her subject. “Mixing things up can be fatal for your child patient,” she commonly reiterates. She always ties her lessons into real life, as she thinks it is essential to developing a life-long grasp around biochemistry. Much to her students’ delight, she once brought in a whole bag of marshmallows and pretzel sticks, and told the students to model one of the biological macromolecules. She instructed students to build the model, examine it, and then destroy it (eat it). As for class engagement, she is usually “humerus.” In yesterday’s class, “Alright everybody! I aorta tell you how to measure blood concentration. I lobe how you guys are learning it, but this concept is as hard as enamel. The blood concentration may seem tough, but if you pay attention, you’ll find it tibia okay! Ready? Let’s bone!” All students groan and chuckle, but at least they find Mrs. Marvelous’ literary devices and humor to be helpful in memorization. In summary, Mrs. Marvelous masters her subject, and minds whether the students are learning valuable information from pediatrics class.

    Mrs. Marvelous has much better classroom control than her counterpart. She is strict with her students, but not overly strict like Mr. Snodgrass. She is kind to her students and understands how they may resent an overly authoritarian teacher. Julie Marvelous is respectful and listens to what her students have to say before offering her own point of view. Throughout her tenure at South Shores, she has never inadvertently or intentionally upset her students. Mrs. Marvelous is truly a great teacher to experience.

    So, reader, it is now your choice. Since science is a required course, will you take botany or pediatrics at South Shores Academy?

So...What's the Better Hunting Dog? (by William)

            Canis familiaris has been mankind’s friend for thousands of years. They protected us from dangerous predators for a share of food from hunts. Over time, wolf bred and evolved into many species of dog. The question is, which species should you get for a hunting dog? Will you pick the Cocker Spaniel or the Labrador Retriever? Let’s see the differences to make the decision easier.

            Cocker spaniels and Labrador retrievers are so different that one could even view them as polar opposites. Your choice on which dog to adopt may depend on appearance preference. If our customer prefers a small dog averaging about 14.5 inches tall, the cocker spaniel may be your choice. The cocker spaniel weighs an average of 25 pounds, and has long hair. The dog owner should be prepared for frequent grooming needs as well as lots of shedding. Made iconic in the 1995 Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp, most cocker spaniels are multicolored, making for a beautiful coat. Labrador retrievers are very different. They have a stately, commanding appearance, and their average height is 23 inches. Their stocky build with a normal weight of 67 pounds allows them to hound down a target. Labradors also shed a lot, so you may need to tolerate short fur all over couches and floor mats. Frequent grooming is recommended for this breed, similar to cocker spaniels. This active breed of dog usually is yellow, black, or brown. The coats are single-colored, unlike the stylish spaniels. Though spaniels may look cuter or prettier than Labrador Retrievers, their personalities can be quite ugly.

            Perhaps dog appearance doesn’t matter to you, the dog enthusiast. In this case, judge these dogs by their personalities, and find the right dog for yourself. The Cocker spaniel’s appearance certainly doesn’t match its disposition. They have a high-hat attitude which can often emit an arrogant aura. The intelligence of these dogs aren’t any better. Cocker spaniels are rated “average” on the intelligence scale. I’ve heard from some friends that misbehaving cocker spaniels like to pee all over the place, and attack you with their vicious bites. Speaking of bites, cocker spaniels have bad temperaments. They are easily provoked and can often bite. Plus, these cantankerous canines don’t only bite when angry – remember to not make them too excited, as they will also bite under these circumstances. Meanwhile, the Labrador retriever is a wonderful companion! These doggies are great for families, given their easy-going and mellow disposition. Their eyes glimmer with kindliness, and even get along (at least they try) with neighborhood dogs. They are fiercely loyal to owners and can even act as a guard dog. Labradors are extremely intelligent. According to a study, Labradors can learn and recognize up to two hundred and fifty visual or auditory signals. That is eighty-five more than a non-Lab! These dynamic dogs are able to adapt quickly into new environments, much faster than the high-strung cocker spaniels. To top these good signals off, the Labrador retriever rarely bites. Due to their compassionate nature, Labradors are friendly and perfect for hunting dogs. They don’t viciously bite you – they save their energy to ferociously assail prey.

            In conclusion, the cocker spaniels may be a prettier sporting dog. Labrador retrievers, however, make better hunting dogs in the long run due to their intelligence and attitude. Well, the choice is yours!

Why Art Education is Essential (by William)

        In Bob Ross’ fascinating career of painting scenes from nature, the famous artist once announced, “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” Art has evolved along with humans, and the concepts have reminded us many times of our past. Art doesn’t just teach us of our past, it also enriches our future. As Bob Ross found with painting little happy trees, art can teach humankind valuable lessons which we remember. Arts education is just as important as any other type of education because it teaches people life skills and augments exposure to world cultures.

        Like any other subject, art builds up a student’s life skills. If students are only limited to the core subjects, many won’t find their true passions until later in life. According to the Washington Post, “Colleges and universities across the country must help our students meet that expectation. For the sake of our students and the future of our country, we must reinvent ourselves to help students explore meaning and purpose.” Colleges shape teenagers into young adults, fit to handle the growing needs of our society. I students don’t even know what they want to become, they won’t know what to study. Arts education in elementary and middle schools opens new pathways for kids to explore. Some students may even become the world’s next Picasso if art education can be successfully implemented in elementary and junior high schools. Art also helps people to develop patience and perseverance. A DW German news article pointed out that, “Peter Freiherr von Braun commissioned Beethoven's ‘Fidelio.’ At its opening performance in 1805, critics panned his opera. Beethoven successfully reworked it, producing a third and fourth version of the score.” Fidelio was Beethoven’s only opera, and the first version was a failure. The final version of the opera took almost a decade to write. If Beethoven had given up and heaved the score into the trash, the world would have never known the wonders of Beethoven’s third and fourth versions of Fidelio. Ludwig van Beethoven couldn’t have written Fidelio without patience and perseverance – indeed, he couldn’t have written any of his master works. Young people will learn how to accept failure and begin again, as Beethoven and Picasso did. Patience and perseverance are two life skills essential to success in an increasingly competitive world. Critical thinking, however, ties all school subjects together. Math and science may seem as if they are distant from art, but they are intricately connected. Math requires problem solving skills, but so too does art. “Artistic creations are born through the solving of problems. How do I turn this clay into a sculpture? How do I portray a particular emotion through dance? How will my character react in this situation? Without even realizing it kids who participate in the arts are consistently being challenged to solve problems. All this practice in problem solving develops children’s skills in reasoning and understanding of complex problems – skills necessary for success in any career.” As math problems become more complex, students may be asked to draw diagrams to visualize the problems. Similarly, complicated paintings often require pin-point measurements using geometrical tools. Even in scientific careers, the need for basic art is undeniable. Art can provide a person with an easier way to solve a problem, and at least help with better visualization.

        Not only does art enhance life skills, it also broadens the views of world cultures. Mankind does not live alone on the planet; it is critical that we understand cultural differences and similarities so that we achieve greater harmony among our fellow human beings. Take Beijing opera as an example. “It has a long history and is thought of as a cultural treasure of China,” (Transparent Language 2). Beijing Opera differs significantly from classical European acting. One might think of western opera to have a grandiose approach, the singers’ voices soaring to unimaginable heights. Beijing Opera couldn’t be more different. Performers leap and twist, practicing martial arts and acrobatics while acting and singing. Intense acrobatics on stage are unconventional in European theater. Art helps humanity to appreciate the differences between different cultures. Art not only differentiates; it also connects different cultures. When we think of European art, we usually think of the Renaissance and Italy. However, “The invention and use of the printing press in Europe was important for the Renaissance because it allowed new ideas and worldviews to spread across the continent more easily” (History Crunch, 10). The Renaissance in art and literature didn’t just stay in Italy; it spread to nearby Spain, Germany, France, and Poland-Lithuania. Da Vinci’s painting style would have been entirely different if not for the Renaissance. This important event undoubtedly shaped world history, and made for the similarities of European art as a whole. Art has helped humanity make connections through the similarities of world cultures.

        In conclusion, art education is important because it helps us build life skills and realize true passions; it also helps us understand and tolerate our world better.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Should Frankenstein Have A Mate? (by William)

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (HarperCollins Publishers)

Everybody needs a companion. As companionship is key to life. According to the famous ancient philosopher Lao Zi, "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Frankenstein the monster needs a companion, just like everyone else, and no matter what they have done. Everyone deserves a chance. He may change with a companion, and become benevolent once again. Giving the monster a companion is also beneficial for Frankenstein's family's safety. He has already led to the death of Victor’s loved ones, and a companion could stop him from committing more heinous crimes. 

The creation of a companion for Victor's creature may soften the creature's heart and deliver the human world from the destruction that the monster has already done. In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, "You are in the wrong. I am malicious because I am miserable. You, my creator, would tear me to pieces, and destroy my frame, the work of your own hands. Shall I respect man, when he contemns me? If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear..." (Shelly 115). We see that the monster truly was a benevolent being who, contrary to popular belief, was indeed a kind creature. On page 99, the creature helps to gather wood and food when the Bavarian family needs it most. 

The opposing opinion might argue that creating a companion will make the monster more likely to be violent. However, having a companion who cares for the creature will likely raise the creature's ethics making it less likely to be violent. The creature even says so when negotiating with Victor for a companion, "my virtues will necessarily arise when I live in communion with an equal." (Shelley 117). Also, we want to make it clear that we are not rewarding the monster for a bad action - this is more of preventative action and is a win-win for both the monster and Victor Frankenstein. 

The opponents may argue that the monster had caused death before, but have we even considered the numerous times which mankind has tried to bring forth destruction to the creature? The monster is kind to and helps Felix's family. But how does Felix respond? What happens when he walks into an ordinary Bavarian village? The citizens scare him away, right? What happens when the creature rescues the drowning girl? 

The opponents may also invest in the argument that a companion for the monster will lead to human extinction. This is a non-unique argument. Biodiversity is essential for the health and survival both of our fragile world and Homo sapiens itself. According to ScienceAlert, "But if we look at the rate of our DNA's evolution, we can see that human evolution hasn't stopped – it may even be happening faster than before." We have seen evolution do its work before. When Homo erectus migrated to Europe, they became stout and sturdy to withstand the cold. The Homo erectus who stayed in Africa were of tall stature to release heat faster than their northerly cousins. These changes happened over long periods of time. But now, according to LiveScience, human evolution has sped up to nearly 100-fold of the evolving speed of our ancestors. And just because other creatures may compete with us for resources, they still deserve a share on Planet Earth. For example, only 3% of the Earth's water is potable. Would you strangle our cats, dogs, or any pets just because they consume our resources? 

Here is a powerful allusion - Auggie Pullman from the book Wonder by R. J. Palacio. He is shunned at school at first because of his looks. If he didn't have the support and love of his family, or the warmth of his home, it is hard to say he won't end up hating or questioning society. If we can treat the new species with respect, we will be able to co-exist peacefully, instead of being enemies of each other. 

The benefits of creating a companion for Frankenstein clearly outweigh the harms. By giving the creature a mate, both the monster and Victor will live good lives. The monster will retire to South America, and Victor will no longer have to deal with the threat of his own creation and own misery. 

A question for you, should we create mates for robots?