Monday, December 28, 2015

Dream Series 3 From Earth to Mars by Ethan

One day I was in a river on Earth and I was grabbing onto a strong cord attached to a fast moving underwater motorboat. The boat was handled by a very strong guy who liked to scream a lot. As I inched my way forward I got through this special glass. It was like a holographic image, but it still kept water out. On the very moment I hit the bottom of the boat, it changed into a UFO. A short antenna sprouted from the top, it had a little green ball on the end.

The number of windows increased, and it became bigger. There were even tables and chairs and a rose window (a round window made from colored glass). There were 2 other people too, a gentleman and a little girl. But I didn't know them.

Very quickly, the UFO transported me to an imaginary city on Mars.It was a dark night but there were cars, streets and buildings everywhere.

Then, again, I woke up, it was only a dream! The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) is a dream-blowing giant, so he must have blew them into my bedroom.

Dream Series 2 A trip to Russia by Ethan

Once upon a time my family bundled up ourselves in our winter clothes and set off for Russia.

When we were almost to a large plain in Russia, I spotted a small, white table where no one was sitting. Soon we and some other visitors heard a voice, It came from a speakerless  microphone:"Welcome to Russia!" it said. As it spoke, I glanced up and saw a city! A tall skyscraper building had a red cloth on it. I also saw two languages printed on it. I immediately recognized the first one: Russian. But the second one was pretty strange. At last I had it! Korean!

There were also Scooby-Doo! characters and we were in a factory. But I wasn't in it. At first Shaggy fell through the roof and landed on a thick pipe, then he fall off the pipe into a bundle of chains. The workers down below didn't notice him - for they were too busy working. Then he jumped out of the chains and fell on a staircase. Then Scooby came out of a hole in the wall onto the staircase too, then Velma appeared also through the roof, but she landed on the staircase instead of the pipe. "What are you doing?" she asked, then Velma sat down with Shaggy.

Suddenly we were in a huge mansion with a red carpet flooring being chased by huge, ferocious robot dogs, and I hid in a bath tub still as a rod.

Then I woke up, It was only a dream!

Dream Series 1 Whale Riding by Ethan

One night, I had a very good dream. I was riding a blue whale in a 1 mile (1.6km) river. I was on my way to a huge playground with at least 3 slides. It also had a rock climbing place and a net. It even had also at least 3 monkey bars.

The whale was very slow, for it took an hour to get there. I played on the playground for a while, then I went back to where I'd started. But this time I found a building and went right in. The building had at least 20 floors and was very tall. I ran up a flight of stairs until I came to a door. When I opened it, I saw a bridge that was about the same length as the river. The bridge had a concrete floor and blue railings. There was also netting stretched between a railing and side of the floor to keep me from falling off.

I was just about to explore the other side of the bridge, but I woke up!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rio 3: Blu’s Trip around the World - Part 2 (by William)

Just two days after Blu’s family settled in Los Angeles, California, a young boy named William walked out his door.  He was a tall and smart eight years old boy.  He had brownish eyes and blackish brownish hair. 

William loved birds, so he took them in for a snack.  After that, they went to the park to take a little stroll.  Then William remembered that his mom told him to go to Trader Joe’s to buy five lemons so he led them to Trader Joe’s.  William told Blu and his family to wait outside while he shopped for the lemons. 

Just then, the meanest kid in town darted into view.  He was only eight but had a heart made out of coal.  When he saw the birds, he chased them while William was buying lemons.  When William saw the mean kid chasing Blue and his family, he yelled at the mean kid, “No, No!”  Blu took his family to fly away to Norman, Oklahoma.

Perched on Ethan’s roof, they could see the city skyline and they were safe…just for now!

Brian Defeats the Nazis (by William)

Once upon a time, a baby named Brian was born in France.  He had ocean blue eyes and light skin.  He was ten feet tall when he was a baby.  When he was five years old, he could cut down twenty pine or spruce trees, or thirty maple trees with one mighty swing with his ax.  Even if he was tall and strong, he was very generous and sweet.  He even cooked for his parents.

Eleven days after he turned seventeen, German soldiers marched into Brian’s town to rob the resources and slave the people.  If the French people did not obey the rules, they would be jailed by the soldiers.

The townspeople were really mad at the soldiers.  Soon, one of the villagers had an idea.  They would call Brian to cut down trees to squash German soldiers.  

After Brian heard the news, he immediately jumped out of the window to find the Nazis and cut down trees.  He thought to himself, “I can do this.”  The trees flattened German soldiers.  The German soldiers screamed, “Halt!” but Brian would not stop swinging his ax cutting every tree in the German soldiers’ path.  The Nazis ran away because they thought the giant was a tree monster and they were scared.

Very soon the Germans surrendered and the townspeople cheered for the liberation of France.  “Yes!” hollered Brain and the town shook with joy.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Rio 3: Blu’s Trip around the World - Part 1 (by William)

One sunny day in the Amazon Rain Forest, Blu decided to take the family to Minnesota to visit the bookstore he grew up in.  They said goodbye to the forest and then left. 

They gave the kids a lift.  Blu and Jewel flew through the night.  The next day, Blu woke up his kids early, “kids, you don’t want to miss this!”  “Miss what?” asked Carla, Bia, and Tiago altogether.  “It’s the Panama Canal,” shouted Blu and Jewel.

Two more days passed, and Blu’s family finally got to Minnesota at 7:10 a.m.  Suddenly, a hungry group of falcons swooped down.  “Let’s have some fun with them,” said Jewel, and with that, the birds threw Brazil nuts and passion fruits at the falcons.  Blu and his family worked together to defeat the falcons.  But there was one more falcon, and he forced the family to go to California.  Now they were perched in a tree in Los Angeles.  They were safe…just for now!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Show, don’t Tell (by William)

Show "I was shy" but don't tell directly.  I hid behind my mom and the librarian flashed a smile but I would not budge.

Show "I was surprised."  My mouth dropped open, I froze in my tracks, my hand shot up, and I jumped on the sofa. 

Show "I was sad."  My face turned into a frown and my tears flowed like rivers.

Show "I was sick."  I was coughing constantly and I drifted off to sleep. 

Visiting Tropical Reefs in the Aquarium (by William)

One time I went to the aquarium with my dad and my cousin Hansen.  

We walked into an exhibit called Tropical Reefs.  When I walked in I saw huge tanks about three men tall and colorful fish zooming around which reminded me of the cars of the city.  Just then, a sting ray dove down to eat the fish and the blue tang swam away very quickly and I couldn’t study more about it. 

Then a diver came and he brought another blue tang near the window of the tank and I got to study more about the blue tang.  I felt so excited that I said “the Tropical Reefs are so cool!”  “Yes they are,” replied my dad.  “Indeed” my cousin added to the conversation.  My mind raced trying to think what would happen if tropical reefs were destroyed.  “Wow, tropical reefs are an important part of the earth,” I said.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a group of fish surrounding something.  I couldn’t see what it was, so I hatched a plan.  It was a crazy idea and I don’t think the fish like it, but I did it.  Bonk!  Bonk!  Bonk!  I knocked on the glass of the tank and the fish swam away and I saw some coral.  

I strode around to enjoy the sights of coral and fish.  Suddenly I spotted a blue tang and I followed it.  Soon it paused at some coral to eat polyps.  I started to study the blue tang.  A blue tang is blue with a black and yellow tail.  The blue tang was flat as a pancake.  Suddenly, I stopped in front of a sign, it introduced me to all sorts of coral and facts that people can ruin coral reefs.  It also taught me that big boats may chunk off big pieces of coral.

After a few minutes, it was time to leave.  I had a lot of fun in the Tropical Reefs exhibit.

Monday, October 26, 2015

First Time I Went on an Airplane - Describe an Experience with Fear (by William)

Have you ever went on an airplane?  Let me tell you my experience on an airplane. 

One early morning, my mom announced that we were going to Taiwan.  I jumped out of bed, threw on an outfit, and started packing.  I threw in some outfits, pajamas, water bottle, books, tour guide, and maps.

As my dad pulled into the airport, my palms started to sweat, and a shiver went through my spine.  I knew exactly why my mind was controlling those weird actions and that was because I was going to throw up in the airplane.

As we walked into the airport, I noticed a big waiting room.  I asked my mom “are we going in there?”  “Yes,” she replied.  When we first walked into the room, I noticed a monitor revealing the airline’s name: Eva Air. 

When we actually stepped into the plane, a chill pounded through my spine, my heart started to beat wildly, and my palms started to sweat even harder. 

Just then I heard the pilot’s announcement.  “Ladies and Gentlemen, please buckle your seatbelts.  We are taking off in one minute.”  I buckled my seatbelt.  “Roar” went the plane’s engine.  I squeezed my mom’s hand.  “William!  Why are you breaking my fingers?” Screamed my mom.  “I am scared of this plane ride!”  I explained.  I couldn’t hold my feeling so I screamed “Mom!” I felt something strange in my body and I looked around for a parachute, but there was not even one.  “Too late,” I moaned. 

The plane was already flying in the stratosphere.  I finally got to sit back and watched a movie, eat, brush my teeth, and go to sleep.  Everything was good until I woke up.  I sighed and looked where the plane was, right over Japan. 

The plane ride was better than I expected, and we safely landed in Taiwan.

***Author's notes***

The story may start in different ways -

Ask a Question
Have you went on a plane before? Let me tell you my experience on the airplane.

Sound Effect
“Roar!” Went the plane’s engine and the body of the plane started to shake.  I was sitting on a chair, buckled up, my stomach did a cartwheel when the plane took off.

“Calm down, you are breaking my fingers!”  Shouted my mom.  “Mom, I am so nervous and nauseous, the plane is shaking so hard” I said.  

Create effective story endings - 

Some years even now, I remember the first time I went on an airplane.

“Mom” I said, “the plane ride wasn’t so scary,” and I meant it.

I was nervous on the outside but I felt a surge of triumph inside.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Last Night of September (A Poem by William and Sunny)

The cricket was chirping, and
William was burping.

The moon was shining, and
Sunny was smiling.

It’s time for bed, and
may dreams be bright.

When eyes flutter open with sunrise,
October will come with pumpkin and surprise.

Trees are tall and wind whispering Fall,
The season of harvest brings love and abundance for all.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My Cousin Sean (by William)

I have two cousins, Sean and Hansen.  Sean is in college now. 

 (Sean was 12 years old and I was 2)

(Sean graduated from High School this year)

My memory about Sean was that last year we went to Berkeley and Stanford Universities, and he volunteered to be the photographer.  I like the picture that he took under the pine trees near the gift shop at Stanford.  I think he is a very good photographer.

(Sean and I in Stanford)

I also played with Hansen and Sean sometimes.  Sean protected me from Hansen and he never hurt me.  In return, at grandmother’s old house, I saw Hansen aiming an arrow at Sean, but Hansen wasn’t watching me.  I pounced on Hansen and he lost his grip, then the arrow landed on the table.  I gave the arrow to Sean and he fired it onto Hansen’s belly.

 (Sean was 13 years old)

(Sean was 14 years old)

Sean is away from home and he is only returning home for Christmas.  I am certainly missing him. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Grand Canyon Junior Ranger (by William)

This summer we went to Arizona to visit Grand Canyon National Park and I got sworn in as a Junior Ranger. 

(Grand Canyon Junior Rangers to be sworn in)

The badge looks like an arrowhead with the word “Junior Park Ranger” on it.  It is made from plastic and it has the symbol of National Park Service emblem.

(Ranger book and badge)

What I learned from Grand Canyon Junior Ranger class included “DUDE,” the formation of Grand Canyon.  D means deposition, U means uplift, D means down cut, and E means erosion. 

I also learned the shapes of poop from animals.  Herbivore’s poop are ball shaped and carnivore’s poop are sausage shaped.  My poop sometimes are ball shaped, and sometimes are sausage shaped, so I am an omnivore.

Squirrels are the deadliest animal in Grand Canyon because they carry disease and can bite you.

I learned a lot in the Junior Ranger class and I like my badge.  Hope you will collect National Park Junior Ranger badge too.  

(My National Park Ranger badge collection)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Letter to the Beautiful Grand Canyon Railway Train Conductor (by William)

                                                                                                August 23, 2015

Dear Ms. Shaundalee,

Thank you for an awesome train ride for the Grand Canyon.  In your car I had a very good view.  I saw cows, horses, birds, the Grand Canyon, the Marshall (from the Cowboy Show), and the Colorado River. 

(The day we took the train ride happened to be Ms. Shaundalee's birthday--Happy Birthday!)

(Good view from the train)

My favorite part about the train ride was when the train started moving.  But, now I am back in California, and if I go back to Arizona, I hope to see you again. 

You can contact me by email or you can visit my blog.  Welcome to visit me in California.

Yours truly,


Can you believe it?  Email from Shaundalee came during Labor Day Weekend!!!

Hi William,

It was so nice to get your letter today! I am so happy that you and your family had a great time riding with me. So glad you all had a fun time! 

If you and your family come visit Arizona again please come visit us. If you all decide to ride on the train again you can alway request to have me as your PSA.

I am happy to see you all had a safe vacation and made it home safely. 

I'm going to put my pictures in my train scrapbook along with your letter and the picture you drew me!

Thank you again! Be a good boy! Hope your doing well in school and having fun with your friends. Tell your mom and dad I said hi and thank you to them as well. Your family is amazing! Stay happy! Always smile. :)

Your PSA,

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Seella (by Jennifer, guest columnist from Sydney, Australia)

Jennifer, age 7, lives in Sydney, Australia. She has read a lot of William and Ethan's blogs. She likes reading, writing, drawing and dancing. She has a younger sister called Ashley who likes to build Lego a lot. Jennifer will turn 8 in this coming October.

One day an Arctic miracle is born and a great adventure awaits this polar bear family. Find out more in Seella.

Once in a cold ice cave, a female gave birth to two polar bear cubs, an Arctic miracle, a boy and a girl, twins.

After a few months, the polar bear family set out into the cold icy world. A snowstorm blew up. Seella, the girl twin saw her brother collapse. Seela's mother covered him with snow, he still did not wake up.

Seella and her mother had to leave him behind for that they had to find food.

Seella's mother spotted a seal, ran up, pounced and it was dead. For that it was the last meal they would have in a long time.

Weeks passed, Seella grew older but they still had no meal. Because of this, Seella's mother is forced to do something early.

The ice sheet was forming later and later in winter, so Seella's mother could not find enough food for two. Seella's mother grunted at Seella meaning for her to leave but Seella did not move. Seella's mother grunted again but fiercer and louder this time. Seella understood and ran away before her mother decided to chase her away.

Seella wondered alone on the cold ice floor, a Arctic fox was following behind her. Arctic foxes are scavengers and like to follow polar bears for they are the top predators in the Arctic. Nothing in the Arctic can kill a polar bear except another polar bear. Since then tilt of the earth has returned to where it started and Seella is able to find food.

When Seella is hibernating, she gives birth, another Arctic miracle twins, a boy and a girl.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Weather (by William)

Note: A book written and typed by William.

Front Cover


Author: William
Illustrator: William

August 10, 2015

Table of Contents

1. Bad Weather.....................................................p.1
2. Weak Weather..................................................p.2
3. Freeze!..............................................................p.3
4. Conclusion........................................................p.4
5. Glossary............................................................p.4

Bad Weather

Complaining about bad weather? Well in this story you will learn about weather and how it forms. So, off you go, to a world of weather.

First, I will introduce you to tornadoes. A tornado is formed by cold, dry air from Canada and warm, moist air from Gulf of Mexico collide on the Great Plains.

Hurricanes also known as Typhoons, are extremely dangerous because your home could be washed away. Hurricanes start in the ocean with a group of thunderstorms that get together and move toward the land.

Weak Weather

Remember about the bad weather? Well don’t worry this time I’m introducing the weak weather.

Dust devils are weak relatives of tornadoes and they suck up only dust and sand. They are seen in California and Nevada.

Waterspouts are also weak relatives of tornadoes. They are found in the Florida Keys and the Gulf of Mexico. Waterspouts are formed by clouds moving forward to the oceans or lakes, and by the unstoppable wind.

You never know what will happen when cold weather strikes. 

Blizzards are similar to snowstorms but much bigger. Blizzards are simply snow and hail. Blizzards form the same way as thunderstorms do, but with snow and/or hail.


I like what I wrote and I hope you like it too.


Hail: frozen rain.
Rain: when clouds have too much moisture, rain forms and falls.

Back Cover

About the Author (written by mom with suggestions from William)

William is 8 years old and he lives in California.  He enjoys reading, traveling, and thinking of cool ideas for children’s books, and he is very sweet and diligent.  He is the co-author of the famous children’s blog:

Going to Las Vegas (by William)

Right after my summer camp, we went to Las Vegas and it was fun.  

We picked up my cousin and drove for a long time.  We arrived at Nevada and California’s border line, then quickly reached Las Vegas afterwards.

The hotel we stayed in was called MGM Grand, the 2nd largest hotel in the world!  In the room, the curtain was opened so we tried to close the sheer layer of the curtain.  In the lobby there were many stores and one store had robotic walking cats, pigs, and dogs.

We also went to ride the High Roller, an observation wheel on the hotel strip.


I really liked the trip to Las Vegas and I suggest you should go there too.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cool Inventions (by William)

I thought about inventions yesterday and I am thrilled to write about them.

We will start off with the flying cars.  Flying cars are equipped with wings and can fly up to the thermosphere.  They can also fly over natural disasters.  Next, I thought about the Hoover Dam’s rockiness, so I am planning a climbing car.  Climbing cars can climb rocks.  Third, in case of heavy snow, I had the perfect plan of making a snowshoe car.  Snowshoe cars are cars that can drive through snow, and the wheels are on snowshoes. 

Now I will talk about house improvements.  Shields on houses are invisible and you have to press a button to turn them on. Flood shields make water go over your house.  Last, tornado shields make houses stay together when a tornado is passing through your house.

I hope you enjoyed my ideas.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Fall at Eaton Canyon Fall (by William)

Last weekend I went to hiking at Eaton Canyon Fall and I fell twice.

The scratches first looked like the asteroid belt (mom didn't take pictures of my scratches back to the asteroid stage),  

then they turned into the Rockies, 

and now they are the Great Plains. 

Don't worry, I am still running around J.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Poem Written with the Classical Typewriter on Colorado Blvd in Pasadena (by William)

(First time to see/use a classical typewriter)

Families are beloved, 

and my family includes my mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa. 

I call it my beloved family, 

and I really enjoy my family.

Legoland (by William)

My vacation started when my mom and dad took me to Legoland during the summer.

When we got to Legoland, we first entered in the gate to get a map to plan what to do and what do watch. Then we went to Miniland U.S.A. When we got there I saw models of Las Vegas, Southern California, and San Francisco. My favorite is Southern Californian and Las Vegas. I wanted to visit the Water Park. The water is not deep, but it is fun and has a lot of water toys. We didn’t go because we didn’t have swimming suits on. Next let me introduce the Land of Adventure. It has a ride called Cargo Ace and an adventure photo booth. We also visited the Star Wars area. There are models of planets and one of them is Endor.

Legoland Miniland U.S.A - Hollywood

The Star War models are magnificent

I liked Legoland and I want to go there again.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fourth of July Fireworks (by William)

When it is the Fourth of July, people love to celebrate using fireworks.  So, in this story you will learn about fireworks. 

(Photo taken in little sister Summer's backyard, credits go to Summer Mama and Papa)

First, you will learn about how to make fireworks.  You had probably heard the word fuse.  If you had, you have a good brain, and if you hadn’t, we will learn together.  There are three fuses in aerial fireworks, the side fuse, main fuse, and the time delay fuse.  The other major components include gun powder, stars, and paper wrap as the body.  Every firework has its color because there are different types of metals and chemicals. 

(Photo Source:

I may suggest you to buy fireworks at some TNT Fireworks shop along the streets.  After you use your sparklers, I think you may want to watch aerial fireworks pop in the sky, in that case, you should go to a city park such as Almansor Park to watch it. 

Now you know how to make fireworks, how to color is made, where to buy it, and where to watch it, off you go to the world of fireworks.  Good Luck!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Favorite Classes in Summer Camp (by William)

This year I have Poly summer as my summer camp.  Summer is here and summer camp is fun for kids.

My favorite classes are Minecraft, Sleeping Beauty the Musical, Critical Thinking, and Math Games.

Minecraft class is when you get to play a game and the teacher gives us really fun assignments.  For example, the class built a city and everybody built a house.  In the city I built a hotel and a skyscraper with a secret layer on top.

In Sleeping Beauty the Musical my role is Prince Philip and I have to fight Maleficent, the evil witch.  I also save Briar Rose, the beautiful princess.  In the dance, I need to do the box step with the princess.
(Picture from Disney movie Sleeping Beauty)

Thank you for reading my story and I hope you will like it. 

P.S.: Pictures from the Sleeping Beauty performance at the end of the summer camp.  Enjoy!

Maleficent,  the wicked sorceress cursed Princess Aurora.  

Prince Philip fought Maleficent.

Thank you for reading my story.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

War Is Not Pleasant (by William)

If a war is incoming, it’s a very bad thing.  Ships are sunken, soldiers are killed, and all kinds of bad things happen in wars. 

So far I’ve heard of the Civil War, Revolutionary War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, and the Korean War.

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Civil War (the planes are imaginary)

To prevent a war the countries could talk about the issues and they should be solved peacefully.  If the talk doesn’t work, the countries could pass a law.

Please take this advice and be prepared for incoming wars.  

Where Do I Come from (by William)

When I was 2 or 3 years old, I thought I was delivered by a stork.  When I was older, I wondered where I came from.  Now I know how kids are formed. 
In the beginning something called sperms are released from the dad, and an egg is produced by the mom.  The sperms are like intruders so the immune system of the mom kicks in trying to eat all the sperms.  One of the surviving sperms gets to go in the egg then it seals.  Something called DNA decides your look, your personalities, and it decides if you are a boy or a girl.  The DNA form XX shapes for girls and XY shapes for boys.

Please consider these facts and enjoy where you come from.  

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Summer Vacation (by William)

In the summer lots of kids go on summer vacations, and I will have two vacations.  One before the summer camp and one after the summer camp. 
Vacation Planner

I am going to San Diego, Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon.  In San Diego we are going to go to Lego Land, Sea World, and the United States Ship Midway Museum.  In Las Vegas we might watch some shows and for Grand Canyon, I will look down into the Canyon.

I think I will have fun and more travel experience too.  

First Anniversary for Learning Piano (by William)

Last Saturday was my first anniversary for learning piano.  

I like playing piano because the songs have different styles.  My favorite styles are holiday and America.  I also like piano because my piano teacher (Ms. Cindy) is very nice, and she even prepared a new book for me.  My dad bought some souvenirs from Alaska to thank Ms. Cindy and she loved them.  That is why I like piano and I enjoy playing it too.  

Spring recital 2015

Ms. Cindy is one of the nicest teachers

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Mighty Proud Day (by William)

I became Student of the Month because I was determined to do good work at school. 

I got to go to Star Breakfast last Friday.  In the Star Breakfast, my mom and I waited in line to get something to eat.  I ate 2 chocolate chip muffins, cookies, and fruits.  The Principal Ms. Rush gave me a certificate, bumper sticker, Souplantation coupon, and an In and Out coupon.

My mom and I were really proud that day and we enjoyed the Star Breakfast. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My Mom is Special (by William)

My mom is special because she reads chapter books I like with me.  I like it when my mom helps me pronounce words. 

My mom can do many things!  I think she’s best at working with her United Healthcare Group.

My mom has a pretty smile!  I like to make her smile by doing my work nicely and correctly. 

My mom is as pretty as the queen of the house.

My mom is smart!  She even knows new games on the computer.  

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Watermelon Faces (by William)

Hi, my name is William.  Today we are going to make watermelon faces. 

First, let’s make an author, you will need 2 blue berries, 1 apple skin shaped like a smile, 1 apple square, and 1 orange skin with a point on it. 

Second, let’s make a ninja, you will need 2 cherry stems, 2 blue berries, and cut two lines to separate the eyes and the cloth. 

Third, let’s make a vacationer, you will need 1 cherry rectangle, 1 apple skin that is shaped like a square, 1 apple skin that is shaped like a smile, and 2 blue berries. 

Last, let’s make a meteorologist, you will need 1 apple skin shaped like a smile, 1 apple square, 1 apple rectangle, and 2 blue berries. 

Now you know how to make them.  I will say “Bye Bye.”

Monday, May 11, 2015

Two Silly Meal Cooks (March 19th 2015 by Ethan)

Once there were two children named Andrew and Emma. They dreamt of cooking when they slept. 

Andrew was 8 in age and Emma was 10. They both loved to cook. And also Andrew had a cook book.

One time when they trying to cook stew, Andrew accidentally knocked over the oil bottle, then it fell and the oil spilled all over onto the floor. Then the kitchen was a complete mess! When their mom came in she was terrified. 

Andrew and Emma knew they were going to be punished, so as fast as they could, they cleaned up the mess. 

When they finished, Andrew said: “Phew, that was close.”

I Have a Dream (Jan. 21st 2015 by Ethan)

I wish to go fishing for salmons.

I would ride on a sailboat to Alaska Pacific Ocean. I would bring my fishing equipment. 
I would take my friends and my parents. I would take binoculars. I would take a compass. 
I would take life jackets. I would look for salmons, whales and puffins.

(If cold) I would take coats. Because Alaska is freezing cold all year round.

First, I would learn how to sail a boat.
Second, I would learn how to catch fish.
Third, I would learn how to dive.

Then, my dream can come ture!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rubber band Improvisation (Jan. 7th 2015 by Ethan

The crescent moon is high up in the sky

The rabbit jumps over the sculptural toothpaste bottle

The lips kiss the buried treasure ring and the tooth flies away

Snow (Jan. 5th 2015 by Ethan)

The snow storm was epic and beautiful.

I had a snowball fight and I made big snow angels and a snow volcano. I even got to rake the snow on the roofs of my house.

I think snow is lovely and wonderful.

Paint a word picture using adjectives that appeal to the five senses; sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste (Sep. 24th 2014 by Ethan)

Sight: beautiful dresses lined up in a row, pretty and colorful day and night, inside a clothing store.

Touch: I like my stuffed pigeon, soft, cozy and warm, blue and bright all day long.

Hearing: Lovely music playing on the car, coming from all sorts of languages. English, French sometimes Spanish and Italian.

Smell: Sweet roses in a bush fully grown and big, big, big.

Taste: Sweet candy in a box makes my month watery so many times; I would like a treat from now and then.

The Old Hatbox (Aug. 26th 2014 by Ethan)

(Using given words to write a story.
Given words: path, damp, math, plants, trash, crash, grass, stamp, hatbox, lamp)

Once there were a boy and a girl who lived in an old village with their parents and a cat. Besides their house there was a narrow path. There were pretty plants and grass growing along the path. 

One day they found an old hatbox in their closet. There were lots of holes and cracks and scrapping paints on it. It used to belong to dad. The parents thought they could use it to put the stamps, but the kids thought it would be great to make a lamp out of the hatbox. Suddenly they saw the cat chewed up the box and crashed it, they had to throw it in the trash.

Next day the boy and the girl went to school and the teacher gave them a math test, the paper were a little damp but they did not worry and did great on the test.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Weather in the USA on May 6, 2015 (by William, after knowing Ethan's home state is having tornado...)

This picture shows a tornado night in Oklahoma.  The evening is very dangerous.  There are very heavy rain, hail, hotel, tornado, moon, sun, cumulonimbus cloud, and BeeBee’s house.  Norman and its alley are in danger and Florida has heavy rain.  

Meteorologist William Chang reports that Alhambra will have rain tomorrow.