Sunday, April 29, 2018

The 2018 LACC Spring Retreat (by William)

“Honk!  Honk!”  Yay!  Our bus was finally here!  After spending about an hour in the courtyard at LACC, our late bus was ready to take us to the OC Music & Dance.  The OC Music & Dance is owned by the SCCC (Southern California Children’s Chorus).  LACC kids were going to meet SCCC kids today.  We re-formed into our chaperone groups.  I found out that I was in Group F.  Our group boarded the bus last so I had to sit next to a girl.  Her name was Sarah Lee.  She gave me a talkie as a truce treaty.  After that, I just stared at the scenery outside of the window.
Time really passed by!  We arrived at the Studios in a flash.  When we met up with the SCCC kids, we were asked to introduce each other.  I chatted with a boy named Leo.  I also asked him who Bena was.  Bena is the daughter of my mom’s coworker.  We met each other two years ago at a birthday party.  I would see her again as one of the SCCC kids.  During our break time between warm-up and the clinic with Ms. Carol, I said hello to Bena and introduced myself.  I included that we met at a birthday party.  She replied that she didn’t remember me at all.   I gave her a gift capsule with two animal erasers, and she said thank you. 
(Photo from SCCC website)

Soon the clinic with Ms. Carol began.  Ms. Carol is a close friend of Ms. Landis.  We sang O Jesus Be Our Friend and Guide, An den Mond, and Al Sholsha for her. She said we need more expression in the songs. The SCCC also sang for her. She said they need more focus. After the clinic, both choirs sang a mini concerts to each other. We sang the Jasmine Flower song, Seal Lullaby, and The Merry, Merry Heart. The SCCC kids sang a bunch of humorous western songs.

We then had to leave for our next stop, the Santa Ana Zoo. I said goodbye to Bena and boarded the bus again. Yes! We are now in the zoo. The zoo manager led us to the lunch area where three animals were waiting for us. I quickly devoured my two sandwiches and met the animals. There was a python, an armadillo, and an owl. The python was coiled around a zookeeper’s neck, the armadillo kept trying to crawl around, and the owl was flying in circles.

When lunch was over, Ms. Landis bought us tickets for the train ride. The train chugged along at 3 miles per hour. We passed a duck pond and the geese kept squawking at us. A bunch of kids got excited when they saw a person blowing bubbles. The train entered the tunnel. The tunnel was full of noise. Hammers pounding nails, screwdrivers winding in screws, and electricity buzzing through wires.  After the train ride, we paraded into our chaperone groups again.  We decided to go in a maze, which I got lost in.  I tried several times and finally found a way out.  By then, many of my group members were already waiting for me.  Suddenly, we heard a screech.  Our group wanted to investigate.  We rushed past a bald eagle named Sprit and stopped in front of an exhibit with a few monkeys in it.  Here were all chattering loudly at each other.  One swung from a vine onto a platform.  Another crawled onto a tree branch.  The monkeys were very, very active.

About 30 minutes later, Ms. Landis gathered us at the zoo entrance.  She said it was time to leave and with that, she ushered us all onto the bus. When we were on our way back, I discovered that I didn’t eat my cheese string and a banana.  I gave the banana to Max and the cheese to Angle.

Finally we arrived back at LACC.  The chaperones gave us candy and I spotted mom.  “Did you have fun,” asked mom.  “Of course, I did, of course.”  I replied as we walked to our car together.  Through this trip, I now know my LACC friends better.  I have been to the Santa Ana Zoo before.  I feel going with LACC was more fun than going with my dad. 

Unheard L.A. (by William)

Unheard L.A. is National Public Radio’s (89.3 KPCC) In Person community storytelling program.  My dad and I went to the live show hosted in Baldwin Park.  It starred local people with their personal stories to share.  The stories were all different but every one of them were so vivid.

Elis Noemi talked about her childhood in Guatemala.  Whenever her family had reunions, which was every weekend, her grandma would make hundreds and hundreds of tamales.  Yes second, yes third, yes more.  Elisa would eat until her chair was pushed back from the table, and her buttons pop off.  Her grandma was not an affectionate woman, so Elisa was afraid to ask the recipe from her.  Unfortunately, her grandma died with her secret.  Elisa grew to be confident and learned how to make tamales from her mom.

Another lady in the program told her story about her career.  When she was young she decided to try woodworking.  When she joined the class, she saw rows and rows of saws.  She wondered, “I didn’t apply for sawing fingers off!”  She cautiously slid a piece of wood into a saw.  “Phew, no fingers lost… yet!” She said.  The next person helping her was named Joe.  When he put a hard hat on her head, she jokingly said her peanut head was too small and short for it.  It left her half blind.  In the end, she completed a stool and it now sits in her kitchen. 

I laughed a lot during the one hour and 30 minutes that I was there.  Every person has a story, maybe next time, I can sign up to tell my story at Unheard L.A.   


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

How the Boar Got His Snout (By Ethan)

  Once upon a time, on the coast of the cold North Sea, there lived a Boar that was most unhappy. Because, back in the days when Life was just evolving, Best Beloved, the Boar had no snout. He had only this flat, hairy, pinkish-black pancake of a nose (which didn't look anything like the schnozzle you see on boars today), and it had no holes in it either. So, it must've been 'scrutiating painful to eat because he had no sense of smell. And it was. Whenever he ate, in the most upset mood imaginable, he'd pick and he'd lick; and he'd nibble and he'd fibble; and (if the truffle he ate was ever so foul), he'd moan and he'd groan and kneel over in a sad brown frown. This caused him much trouble. And soon he ate most everything indeed. A carrot here, some radish there, and flower petals everywhere!

  One morning the Boar waddled along the Uniford Plain, and presently, came to a Hare (with ears longer than the plain), the ‘sclusively brown-furry-speckly-fawny kind, and saw 24 Carrots, the ‘sclusively white-orange-purple-crinkly kind, and said “There’s breakfast.” He licked and bit and decided that it tasted not too bad. But, pretty soon, he came across one foul Carrot with an unimaginably gruesome stink, and, since the Boar had no sense of smell, he did not know that it had gone off, so he ate it, and got a violent case of the tummy troubles. Then, (I hate to say it), he piffled little crinkly orange-purple blobs all over(They shall not be forgotten, Best Beloved)! This made the Hare (with ears longer than the plain) very angry, and he said “My dear old carrots! That foolish boar!”

  Then, that noon, the Boar scooted across the Biford Plain, and presently saw a Night-gull bird, the ‘sclusively tannish-feathery-wing-beaty kind, (with a voice sweet as candy), and spotted 25 Worms, the ‘sclusively blackish-bluish-slimy-but-smooth-wriggly kind, and said “Well, look, lunch.” He licked and bit and decided that it tasted not too bad. But, pretty soon, he came across one sick Worm with a very bad odor, and, since the Boar had no sense of smell, he did not know that it was ill and had a very bad odor, so he ate it, and got a violent case of the tummy troubles. Then, (I hate to say it again), he piffled blackish-bluish slimy blobs all over(Have you let the memory of these leave your mind?)! This made the Night-gull (with a voice sweet as candy) very angry, and she chirped “My dear old worms! That foolish boar!”

  That evening, the Boar crawled along the Triford Plain, and presently, spied out a Snake, the scaly-plasticy-slithery-green-black kind, (with sharp looking black slits in its eyes) and saw 26 Mice, the hairy-germy-grayish-leathery-squeaky-jittery kind, and said “My supper is here.” He licked and bit and decided that it tasted not too bad. But, pretty soon, he came across one dead Mouse with a decayed body and an extremely unpleasant whiff, and, since the Boar had no sense of smell, he did not know it was rotten, so he ate it, and got a violent case of the tummy troubles. Then, (I hate to say it yet another time), he piffled grayish-furry-leathery blobs all over(Which you cannot forget)! This made the Snake very angry, and he hissed “My dear old mice! That foolish boar!”

  Day after long day passed, and still the Boar continued this behavior until the Three got very much annoyed, and so they gathered and mumbled among themselves and finally, came up with a decision. They built a grotesque sculpture of the Boar himself, using the blobs that the real Boar had left behind while eating (which is the reason why you could not forget the blobs!) and picked it up and carried it to the Boar, who was growling at an anthill. He heard footsteps and turned around. Next thing, the Boar was scampering and following him were the Hare, Night-gull, and Snake, all carrying the sculpture. They ran the entire way around the Triford Plain, and then the Three chased the Boar into the Quadford Plain.

   This Plain was very much different from the others. It looked more like a desert than a plain. The Boar noticed this and was so absorbed by the fact that he failed to notice a very roomy stone house looming up over them. The Three saw this and screeched to a halt. The Boar, however, kept running until he saw the house, stopped dead in his tracks, and slowly looked up. The view nearly stopped his heart. He had been chased smack into the Palace of the Sorceress of the Fords! The Three then seized the thunderstruck boar and dragged him through the giant doors and into the vast palace. The Boar took one peek at the Sorceress and froze.

  The Sorceress had a grinourmous amount of power and had the body of a horse, the tusks, spiraling horns (the kind that goes around and around for a long time, so it looks like it doesn’t have an end), and huge flailing trunk of the Quadford xyler (which looks like a cross between an ibex and an elephant, so there’s your trunk and tusks and horns!), the feathers of a robin, and ears of a rabbit.

  So, Best Beloved they brought forward the Boar to the Sorceress and told the whole story. "Hmm," the Sorceress said " This is a problem of great mind-racking woe and must be solved!" She sat in her throne, all the while inspecting the Boar, and thought of a Magic. She lifted her trunk and thought of her Magic still more, and then it began to take action. The Boar abruptly saw his pancake-like schnozzle going all stretched with a “RIIF!”RAAF!” noise. The Boar was very much terrified, and said “Oh, stop will you?!” But since his nose was still stretched as he said this, it came out something like “Oh, shtnop, will you?!” And as “shtnop” sounds sort of like “snout”, we always call that kind of nose on all Boars you will ever see “snout” to this very day. The Sorceress stopped. Then she stood over the Boar, lowered her head faster than a wink, and next moment, there was a pop and a hiss and a yelp from the Boar, for, using her tusks, the Sorceress had spiked the two holes we always see and recognize on boars today. "Hey, I can smell now!" the now-happy Boar remarked. And indeed he could! Now he can tell the exact difference between a nice healthy truffle and the notorious-white-cuffle. And that is the end of this tale.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

My Favorite Memory (By Ethan Li)

  One of my favorite memories is when my mom and I would read together every weekend. Many genres did we read: fictions, mystery, fairy tale, non-fiction, you name it! Happiness and horror and suspense did we feel as we dove into the world of books. Obstacles such as hard books and words did we come across. Yet still, mom calls this time “Happy Hour”.

  A really funny experience was when we read a series called Horrible Science. They were stuffed book upon book with uproarious jokes and laughs. Some were so funny that I had to read them 10 times before we had to move on, and we laughed till my tummy felt to bust.

  There were many obstacles, like hard words and long books. By far, the hardest book we have read is The Call of the Wild by Jack London. This book took us a year to read, even though there were only 7 chapters. This was due to the enormous amount of complicated words crammed into every square inch of paragraph. And we only read it every Saturday for 2 hours.

  Books can be funny, short and simple or long, hard and difficult to read. But no matter what, reading will play a big role in our life.

How I Got My Nickname (By Ethan Li)

  This is an article about the toy that got me my nickname. The process was very cute and funny. The toy was shaped like a caterpillar. There was a song that it played that I really liked. This all happened when I was a baby.

  The caterpillar toy is divided into 5 sections; labeled n each fifth of the toy, are the numbers 1-5, the contraption is also multicolored. If you press a section, it will play a song about that number of some sort of critter(s). It also has a green-and-white striped handle at the top. Mom says I began to like this toy when I was only a month old.

  If you press the third section that has “3”, it will sing a song like “three little bumble bees full of fun”. I grew very attracted to pressing the “3”. When my parents found this out, there was an uproar. They suddenly turned into “beekeepers”. Dad started calling me “beebee”, which has hence stuck as my nickname. The Bee shirt I wore today could have been bought from this finding. Mom also bought a necklace, bracelet and ring with a little bee on it.

  This toy is a very fun toy to play with from a baby’s point of view. So, if you are a mom with 1-month old baby, this could be the toy for him/her. Who knows if he/she might earn a nickname from a popular song?

When I Grow Up (By Ethan Li)

  When I grow up, I am going to be a banker. Bankers can earn lots of money, and since I’m very generous I can donate a lot to the poor. But being a bank is hard work. I have to learn lots of things in order to be a successful banker.

  First, I have to learn how to do math. Math is important because banker might have many dividing, adding etc. Math is one of my favorite subjects, this would be helpful for my future career. If someone is not very passionate about math, check off “banker” on his/her occupation wish list.

  Secondly, learning how to open a bank properly and easily is another challenge that I will have to face. When I go to a university, I might need to choose one that teaches mainly about banking and how to operate it.

  Then, my bank is constantly under attack by robbers and thieves, so I will have to install a network of locks, guards, security cams, vaults and other security stuff. And even then, if my money is stolen, I’ll call 911 and try to get the criminals behind the bars.

  Even though being a banker isn’t very easy, I still want to be one, If I work hard enough, I will get lucky eventually. Wads of money will be given to me and I can live a very happy life.

Writing with Meghan-21 (1 hour) By Ethan

Part 1 Vocabulary in Sentences

1. Adhere – to stick to a surface or substance
Back in the early days, insects got adhered to the ground by oozing tree sap.
2. Anticipate – to regard as possible 
He has great anticipation that he will win the race.
3. Characteristic – a special quality of a person, thing or group
One very noticeable characteristic about the little girl is how tough she is.
4. Compose – to write or create
A human body is composed of 70% water, 18% carbon, 78% gases and 40% minerals.
5. Critical – expressing disapproval
Mom is very critical when I come down late for breakfast.

Part 2 Create a Disease
Conflict – Aliens from Neptune have invaded the Earth. They want to destroy earth and everything on it. You are a leading scientist. It is your job to create a disease to kill the aliens but not harm the humans. Write a story about this.

Disease – Neptunian Cancer
Germ image (taken from an electron microscope magnified 1,000,000X)

Discovery Date: 1 minute ago 
Substance discovered in: One of my toots
How and why it harms Neptunian but not Earthlings: It has a gland called a CT gland in the nucleus that makes a hormone called hermix that makes it deadly to aliens, but completely harmless to Earthlings.
Symptoms: Fever that is cold, boiling hydrogen wat, sore head, skin loss, death 99.99999% of the time.
How to release it: Put it in their food and drinks (it’s contagious)
Reaction of the aliens: They howl like wolf all the time. Then they vaporize. Then the solar flares and solar winds from the sun blow it back to Neptune. 

Writing with Meghan-20 (1 hour) By Ethan

Part 1 Quick writing: observe something that Ethan chose by himself

1. There are a bunch of toys in a bag that is see-through.
2. The bag is open.
3. There are plushes and spinners in the bag.
4. You can take things very quickly and easily out of the bag.
5. You can dump things out of the bag.
6. The toys are all shapes, sizes and colors and textures.

Part 2 Vocabulary: write a story starts with “Thumb fell quickly” and including all 5 vocabulary of following
1. Nepotism – Favoring family in jobs
2. Scourge – administering severe criticism
3. Initiative – an introductory action or step
4. Beseeching – to ask earnestly
5. Concocted – make it up

The thumb quickly fell of the hand and landed on the floor. Lay there, scouring, and then tried to reattach himself to the hand. But, he could not do it. Then, as he was half way up the arm, the pinky (who happened to be the thumb’s friend) suddenly called,” Hey, wanna come over?” But at the very same second, his mom, the index finger shouted out, “Dinner!” He was very nepotism, so he said, “Maybe later.” And slithered up to his resting place. As they ate dinner, his mom inquired “It’s late, why didn’t you come to dinner earlier?”  He really wanted to concoct a lie but he knew better. He mumbled “I fell off again!” Then he asked in a very beseeching and pleading voice, “Can I take lessons from a professional rock climber on how to not fall off so much?” When his mom heard this, she lit up, “That’s great son! What a wonderful initiative!” The thumb smiled, for he knew that he would never fall off again.

Part 3 Writing emails: write an email to your teacher asking if you can set up a time to meet with her to discuss your grades.

Mrs. Long,
I wanted to set up a meeting time to talk about my grades, when would be a good time?
Best regards,

Writing with Meghan-19 (1 hour) By Ethan

Part 1 Quick writing: observe a picture provided by Meghan

1. There is a creepy picture.
2. The girl has one gray eye and one orange eye.
3. She seems to be a teenager or a grownup.
4. She looks normal.
5. She looks bored.
6. Her hair must be a foot long.

Part 2 Analyzing Song Lyrics

10 Steps to Analyze/Write a Parody
1. Number the lines of the song.
2. Read through the song once.
3. What is the main message of the song?
That you can do great things.
4. Go line by line and write the purpose of each line.
5. Which line is the most important?
Line no. 6
6. Why is it the most important?
Because it describes the theme the best.
7. Which line is the least important?
Line no. 1
8. Highlight the top 10 most important words to the song’s message.
9. Write a message you would like someone to know.
I am a big figiter.
10. Change the highlighted words to reflect your message.

Original lyrics:

1.Yeah I know that you never knew how to plan things
(That the audience is dumb?)
2.You gotta lucky star and you got a lot of big dreams
(That the audience is too rich?)
3. Maybe you should think a little bit more about you
(The audience should consider their jealousy.)
4.Cuz the things that you say always seem to come true
(The audience can make their dreams come true all the time)
5.And you never knew that you would be responsible
(The audience could do responsible things)
6.And you never knew that you could maybe change the world
(And that the audience could become famous)

Parody – Final copy

Yeah I know that you never knew how to concentrate
You gotta a busy hand and you got a lot of stress
Maybe you should consider a little bit more about the other fidgeters
Cuz the things that you think always seem to come handy 
and you never thought that you would be so creative
And you never considered that you could maybe change fidgeting history

Writing with Meghan-18 (1 hour) By Ethan

Part 1 Quick writing: observe a picture provided by Meghan

1. There’s a flower.
2. The flower has a lot of anthers.
3. Is it yellow?
4. Is that a buttercup”
5. How many petals does it have?

Part 2 Story Starters 

Julie twisted a strand of hair around her finger.
1. What dose Julie look like?
She is 21.21 years old, has a height of 6.4 ft., has a weight of 134.25ibs, and has brown hair.
2. Where is Julie?
In a meeting.
3. How is Julie feeling right ow?
4. What might happen next?
She needs to give a presentation

Braden ran and kicked the ball as hard as he could.
1. What is Braden doing?
Playing soccer
2. What is Braden hoping to accomplish?
Score 74,621 points
3. How is Braden feeling right now?
4. What might happen next?
He scores a goal

Part 3  Finish the story
   Pete was seventeen when they came for him. He remembered it like it was yesterday. Masked men, five of them, appeared at his door and knocked on it impatiently. (Ethan wrote the following) He looked out his window and saw that the men had books. He cautiously opened the door. Suddenly, he saw black. He had been knocked out. When he woke up, he was on a car. They drove for half an hour, then arrived at a library. One of the men untied him. Then, he was handed he books. Pete saw the tallest man take of his mask he gasped. It was his father! He closed his eyes and opened them again to make sure they were working. They were. “Hey!” he shouted. His father grabbed Pete by the arm and led him into a corner f the library. The others followed. He took a book from Pete and throw it at the shelf. To Pete’s astonishment the book went through the shelf. Then the shelf opened up. They ventured into the secrete room.

Writing with Meghan-17 (1 hour) By Ethan

Part 1 Quick writing: observe a picture provided by Meghan 

1. Are those rocks or eggs?
3. They have faces! WTH??
4. They don’t all have faces.
5. Are they Japanese rocks? They sure look like they are.
6. …. Uh, what else can I say?

Part 2 Prompt: Describe a time when you received something you really wanted

Have you ever wanted something so bad and then DING-DONG! You open the door and see a package. You take it, cut it open and YES!!! Your present is here! Well, this happened to me on a glorious Sunday night: I was chilling out with a Samsung Galaxy tab (which is what my pad is) with a blue case. Then, the doorbell rang. I continued to watch my pad. Then my mom opened the door. Curious, I stopped what I was doing and ran like a charging horse down the stairs. When I found my mom, I saw her holding a wish come true! And then I shouted “Yes!!!”

Writing with Meghan-16 (1 hour) By Ethan

Part 1 Quick writing: observe a picture provided by Meghan

1. The card is blue.
2. Its dimensions are 3.375x2.125x0.03125”
3. There is a navy blue bowling ball and 5 pins.
4. The letters are in their own black diamond.
5. It is probably made of the strongest plastic in the world.
6. The front is 90% blue.

Part 2 What is your favorite part of school and why?

My favorite part of school is recess.

1. It is fun.
2. I can unlock new talents.
3. I can be super-cool!
4. It’s the perfect time to let my imagination run wild!

Part 3 Job Write

Why do you want to become a banker? What influenced you to want that job?
Being a banker is very challenging. But with a little ingenuity, you can do it. Here is why I want to become one: I learnt in a book that being a banker can make you rich without doing much physical activity. Second, being a banker means you have a lot of power over your money

Writing with Meghan-15 (1 hour) By Ethan

Part 1 Quick writing: observe a picture provided by Meghan
1. It is a pink, sticky, 40% fuzzy, oblong object full of holes and it’s 3D!!!
2. Length=10.698 cm
3. Width=3.711cm
4. Height=2.15cm
5. Volume=85.356cm3
6. It is a flamingo.
7. It’s stretchy.

Part 2 Help Me!!

  • Name: Luke Johnson
  • Situation: There has been an outbreak of a strange new illness. Once you catch it, there is no cure. I need to find a safe place where I can live comfortable without catching the illness.

Illness: FFD (Fruit Fly Death)
Origin: The Middle East
Symptoms: dizziness, nausea/vomiting, headache, hair loss, death
Actions taken:
Step 1: Move away to Australia
Step 2: Install airtight house, door and windows.
Step 3: Put an Anti-Germ® shield around house.
Step 4: Check for leaks or blemishes.
Step 5: Make sure the Australians don’t have FFD.
Step 6: Buy Anti-Germ® clothes and masks.
Step 7: Buy time- traveling machine.
Step 8: Time travel to the time the plague ends.
Step 9: Wait until that time.
Step 10: Go back to USA.  

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Space Needle (by William)

Live from Spring Break Road Trip (March 28, 2018)
During this road trip, one of my dreams come true.  I first heard about the Space Needle four years ago, and I was immediately attached to it because of its size and shape.  Now my dream of visiting it had finally come true.
The Space Needle was built in 1962 for the World Fair.  It was built for tourists coming to the growing town of Seattle, Washington.  During the construction, the Space Needle was slowly rising higher and higher above Seattle.  When the torch was added, people were already waiting in line to see the architect miracle.

While we were waiting in line to get into the elevator, an old gentleman behind us said that when he was a boy, he went to the Space Needle during its initial opening in 1962.  Many famous people such as Lyndon Johnson came visit the Space Needle.  Even though the Space Needle was under renovation during our visit, the Seattle skyline with skyscrapers and the glistening Puget Sound water were breathtaking.

The history of the Space Needle coincided with the Space Age when people tried to explore space. This triggered more interest for me to know more about science and space.