Monday, December 28, 2015

Dream Series 3 From Earth to Mars by Ethan

One day I was in a river on Earth and I was grabbing onto a strong cord attached to a fast moving underwater motorboat. The boat was handled by a very strong guy who liked to scream a lot. As I inched my way forward I got through this special glass. It was like a holographic image, but it still kept water out. On the very moment I hit the bottom of the boat, it changed into a UFO. A short antenna sprouted from the top, it had a little green ball on the end.

The number of windows increased, and it became bigger. There were even tables and chairs and a rose window (a round window made from colored glass). There were 2 other people too, a gentleman and a little girl. But I didn't know them.

Very quickly, the UFO transported me to an imaginary city on Mars.It was a dark night but there were cars, streets and buildings everywhere.

Then, again, I woke up, it was only a dream! The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) is a dream-blowing giant, so he must have blew them into my bedroom.

Dream Series 2 A trip to Russia by Ethan

Once upon a time my family bundled up ourselves in our winter clothes and set off for Russia.

When we were almost to a large plain in Russia, I spotted a small, white table where no one was sitting. Soon we and some other visitors heard a voice, It came from a speakerless  microphone:"Welcome to Russia!" it said. As it spoke, I glanced up and saw a city! A tall skyscraper building had a red cloth on it. I also saw two languages printed on it. I immediately recognized the first one: Russian. But the second one was pretty strange. At last I had it! Korean!

There were also Scooby-Doo! characters and we were in a factory. But I wasn't in it. At first Shaggy fell through the roof and landed on a thick pipe, then he fall off the pipe into a bundle of chains. The workers down below didn't notice him - for they were too busy working. Then he jumped out of the chains and fell on a staircase. Then Scooby came out of a hole in the wall onto the staircase too, then Velma appeared also through the roof, but she landed on the staircase instead of the pipe. "What are you doing?" she asked, then Velma sat down with Shaggy.

Suddenly we were in a huge mansion with a red carpet flooring being chased by huge, ferocious robot dogs, and I hid in a bath tub still as a rod.

Then I woke up, It was only a dream!

Dream Series 1 Whale Riding by Ethan

One night, I had a very good dream. I was riding a blue whale in a 1 mile (1.6km) river. I was on my way to a huge playground with at least 3 slides. It also had a rock climbing place and a net. It even had also at least 3 monkey bars.

The whale was very slow, for it took an hour to get there. I played on the playground for a while, then I went back to where I'd started. But this time I found a building and went right in. The building had at least 20 floors and was very tall. I ran up a flight of stairs until I came to a door. When I opened it, I saw a bridge that was about the same length as the river. The bridge had a concrete floor and blue railings. There was also netting stretched between a railing and side of the floor to keep me from falling off.

I was just about to explore the other side of the bridge, but I woke up!