Sunday, June 10, 2018

What If (by William)

In the past few days, I had a lot of “What IF” questions with negative assumptions.  The bombarding of negative assumptions in my head never turned out to be true.  After these incidents happened, I learned to prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. 

Some of the What Ifs were when friends come for sleepover and share my room, what if I can’t sleep?  What if my sleepover friends snore and drool all over?  What if my grandparents can’t vote since they forgot to bring their IDs for the California Primary?
On the night of the sleepover, I found out that my sleepover friend Peter is a very sound sleeper and neither of us snored.  About three minutes after he fell asleep, I visited the restroom, then as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.  Just like Peter, I slept very soundly.  I didn’t even get up once during the night.  In the morning, both Peter and I were well rested.  On the day of the Californian Primary, my grandparents didn’t realize they forgot to bring their IDs until we walked into the polling station.  Fortunately after we explained to the poll workers at the voting booths, they checked my grandpa and grandma’s names and address on the registration booklet and allowed them to vote. 

Later on mom and I discussed how to change negative assumptions into positive.  What if I fell asleep too quickly, what if Peter sleeps very soundly, and what if Grandpa and Grandma can still vote without IDs.  Other than being positive, I tried to be flexible as well.  I was supposed to share the MC job for part of a piano recital, but consider the number of performances to introduce, I yield the opportunity to my friend.  Lady first, and I can wait for future MC opportunities. 

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