Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan (by William, this week's reading report)

(Note: Mom thought this is a touching story--she had tears reading it, I thought part of it's funny--so it's added to the blog.)

My favorite book is Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan.

The book is about Sarah visiting Anna’s home from Maine because Anna’s mom died the day after Caleb was born.  Now Caleb was a boy and Papa placed an advertisement in the newspapers for a wife.  Sarah took a train from Maine to live with them for a month. Sarah fixed the roof before a squall came, taught them how to swim in the cow pond, cut Caleb and Papa’s hair, planted the garden, and she decided to be Papa’s wife.

My favorite part is when Sarah returned home from town with the colors of the sea – pencils in the colors of blue, gray, and green. The kids were relieved when they figured out Sarah just bought colored pencils, flower seeds, and a song book from town, not with the train ticket back to Maine.

My favorite character is Sarah.

I like this character because she was a very loving person.  When their neighbors gave 3 hens to Sarah to eat, she kept them for eggs.  When the dangerous squall approached she ran into the rain to get chickens and roses.

Someday Sarah may bring her family back to Maine to visit her brother William.

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