Monday, January 29, 2018

The Mystery of Cells (by William)

Are you aware that billions of tiny organisms make up animals and plants?  Those organisms are not visible to our naked eyes. What are they?  They are cells!  Cells are the smallest unit of life that carry out orders so animals and plants can develop and survive.

The common components for both animal and plant cells include: 
1. The Nucleus is brain of the cell.  It controls movements and activities in the cell.
2. The Cell Membrane is the outside layer (wall) of the cell.  It gives the cell its shape.
3. The Cytoplasm is the fluid of dissolved molecules that suspends all the organelles.
4. The Mitochondria is the cell powerhouse.  It’s responsible for cellular respiration.
5. The Vacuole stores water, food, chemicals, and waste for the cell.

My drawings provide more details of the components and their functions in cells.

Animal Cell
Plant Cell

I shopped with mom and made a model of animal cell using food, and my “cell” is extremely delicious!

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