Friday, October 7, 2016

Why I should be considered for a member of the Junior Botball Team (By Ethan)

  I knew I wanted to be a robot builder the very moment I finished watching "The Magic School Bus Flexes It's Muscle" in which the kids attempt to build a robot that can do all of their chores. Maybe I think I could build a robot that would sharpen my pencils while I am writing this essay.

  I love, love love science!! I watch science videos on YouTube and read Horrible Science books. I also like technology and math. YouTube and math operations prove it. And also, I did a wind gauge project last year for the Science Fair and won the 3rd place!

  I fell very excited to join Botball. But first, I promised to my mom that I'll work extra hard on my kayak training and boxing so I would have time for the club on Thursday.

  I (if I can manage) will continue to join Botball. Robots are in my blood.

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