Friday, July 15, 2016

The Adventures of the Purrington (Rich Cats) Family on Cat Island (By Ethan)

In the center of San Whisker Ocean lays an island called The Cat Island. Its capital is St. Catty Town. There is a nice big lake  - Claw Men Lake which is the natural water feeder on the Cat Island. Next to it is the Glamour Bay, Fluffy Desert, Lappy Rock Garden and Pan Paw Hills. The hills are surrounded by the Clash Buttes and Mesas. On the northeast corner is Hell Mice Woods and Cheese Mouse Dips then comes the Meow Canyons. McPurr River calmly flows through St. Catty Town and wraps Gumbie hill and Mount Cindy. On the far south, Tabby Feast, the main plain spreads.

Chapter 1: Nice, Purrrr-fect Life

The Purringtons lived on the very edge of St. Catty Town in a nice little house. They had plenty of catty coins and bills to take care their 10 youngens. Mrs. Purrington had named them all Purry. To find out which kitten was which, Mr. and Mrs. Purrington called them Purry 1, Purry 2, Purry 3 and so on. (Purry is short for Purrington) Mr. Purry was a postman and Mrs. Purry was a teacher.

Chapter 2: "Nearly Goners"

One chilly Tuesday night, as the Purrys were eating supper, Mr. Purry came home with grief.
"We have a robber at the post office." he hissed. "A package of cutlery that was supposed to be sent to an old fluffy feline who lived in Hell Mice Woods was stolen at midnight." he continued.
"We'll tell the police tomorrow." said Mrs. Purry.
"I'm done, Mama." said Purry 3.
"Good" said Mrs. Purry. "Take your bath and brush your teeth and off you trot to bed!"
"Good night Mama and Papa." said the Purries.
"Sweet dreams. my dears."

Chapter 3: The Second Theft

The next afternoon as the Purries went into the house after school they saw Mrs. Purry slumped over an armchair, sobbing. "What's wrong, Mama?" asked Purry 4.
"One of my students was robbed." said Mrs. Purry. "The thief climbed in, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and off he pelted cross the McPurry River." muttered Mrs. Purry.
"Did the police know?" asked Purry 5.
"Yes, we called them right away." Mrs. Purry answered.

Chapter 4: The Big Search

When the police heard the news, they were horrified. "Stolen student and cutlery?!" "We'll show those thieves!"
After one whole day and night of searching on Tabby Feast they went en route to Gumbie Hill, then walked several miles before they found the two robber's hut on Pan Paw Hill 1. The police pawcuffed them up, threw them into the police car, and recovered the stolen treasures.
Now life has returned to normal for the Purringtons and everyone is purrr-fectly happy.

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