Monday, July 6, 2015

Fourth of July Fireworks (by William)

When it is the Fourth of July, people love to celebrate using fireworks.  So, in this story you will learn about fireworks. 

(Photo taken in little sister Summer's backyard, credits go to Summer Mama and Papa)

First, you will learn about how to make fireworks.  You had probably heard the word fuse.  If you had, you have a good brain, and if you hadn’t, we will learn together.  There are three fuses in aerial fireworks, the side fuse, main fuse, and the time delay fuse.  The other major components include gun powder, stars, and paper wrap as the body.  Every firework has its color because there are different types of metals and chemicals. 

(Photo Source:

I may suggest you to buy fireworks at some TNT Fireworks shop along the streets.  After you use your sparklers, I think you may want to watch aerial fireworks pop in the sky, in that case, you should go to a city park such as Almansor Park to watch it. 

Now you know how to make fireworks, how to color is made, where to buy it, and where to watch it, off you go to the world of fireworks.  Good Luck!


  1. Wah, I didn't know that. I learnt a lot from you. Thank you for sharing!!
